- Active voice adalah suatu verb form (bentuk kata kerja) dimana subjek kalimat melakukan aksi yang dinyatakan dengan verb. Dengan demikian pada active voice, subject bertindak sebagai the doer of the action (pelaku aksi). Kebalikan dari active voice ialah passive voice. subject pada passive voice merupakan the receiver of action (penerima aksi).
- Rumus Active VoiceDoer of action (subject) + action (Verb) + receiver of action (direct object)Catatan :Direct object (dapat berupa noun, pronoun, atau noun substitute) ditambahkan hanya jika action merupakan transitive verb.Contoh Active VoiceDoer of action = boldAction = italicReceiver of action = underline· That student cleaned the whiteboard.( siswa itu membersihkan papan tulis.)
- Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction(bentuk gramatikal) dimana subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak. Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb (diikuti direct verb) yang dapat diperlukan demikian.
- Rumus passive voiceS + Auxiliary verb + past participleCatatan :Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be( is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being), kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are, was/were being, has/have been) atau antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have been) sedangkan past participle yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive.Contoh :· I am paid in dollars. ( saya dibayar dalam dollar)I (subject) am (be) paid( past pasticiple)
- Simple Present Tense( S + V1 + O ) Contoh kalimat Active Voice Mary helps
John, ( S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O ) Contoh kalimat Passive Voice : John is helped by Mary.
- Present Continuous Tense( S+ to be(am, are, is) + V1-ing + O ) Contoh Kalimat Active Voice : Mary is helping
John, ( S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice : John is being helped by Mary.
- Present Perfect Tense ( S + to be(am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Active Voice : Mary has helped John, (S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice : John has been helped by Mary.
- Simple Past Tense ( S + V2 + O ) Contoh Kalimat Active Voice : Mary helped
John, ( S + to be (was,were) + V3 + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice : John was
helped by Mary.
- Past Continuous Tense ( S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O ) Contoh Kalimat Active Voice : Mary was helping John, ( S + to be (was, were) + being + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice : John was being helped by Mary.
- Past Perfect Tense ( S + had not + V3 + O ) Contoh Kalimat Active Voice : Mary had helped John, ( S + had + been + V3 + by + O ) Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice : John had been helped by Mary.
- Transitive and intransitive verbTransitive verb adalah kata kerja yang diikuti direct object untuk menerima aksi (contoh : hit, touch, buy) dari subject.Sebaliknya, Intrasitive verb adalah kata kerja yang tidak diikuti oleh direct object sebagai penerima aksi (contoh: arrive, go, cry) karena memang aksi yang dilakukan tidak melibatkan direct object.Tanpa direct object, makna kalimat dengan transitive verb akan terdengar janggal, sedangkan makna kalimat dengan intransitive verb telah dapat ditangkap dengan baik.
- Modals dalam bentuk aktif dan pasif· Rumus kalimat aktiv :S + Modals + V1 + OContoh : he can buy the computer· Rumus kalimat pasif :S + Modals + be + V3 + OContoh : the computer can be bought by him
- Exercise
Sentence are
given in the active voice. change them into the passive voice
- He teaches English.
- The child is eating bananas.
- She is writing a letter.
- The master punished the servant.
- He was writing a book.
- Who wrote this letter?
- Somebody cooks meal every day.
- He wore a blue shirt.
- May God bless you with happiness!
- They are building a house.
4 SA 05
4 SA 05